Tuesday, April 9, 2013

{Waiting For Baby}

My first niece or nephew will be arriving soon, and everyone is getting so excited!! My sister asked me if I could take a couple pre-baby pictures today, so we had a little fun this morning :)  I've never done a shoot like that before, so thank you to my models for their patience!! Here are a couple of the pictures that I started playing with :)

Can't wait to meet the newest member of the family!!
Cheers :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hikes :)

I've been so antsy lately!! Between stuff at home and at the gym I've been busy (which is a great thing!!) but inside!!  I haven't been out shooting much (which is obvious by my lack posts the last couple months) and I haven't been outside a whole heck of a lot either (my lack of any sort of tan is proof of that!!).  I've discovered that when I have a lot of different things to do and lots of places to go I'm way more motivated, productive, and my head is just in a better place!! I like going places, seeing something different.  Thankfully it was a beautiful day today and I was able to get out!!

I decided to go down to Gillette's Castle. I know I've been there before but both times I went last year I saw this nice stone bridge on the drive in and thought 'Oh that looks nice, I should check it out' and every time as I was leaving went 'Oh I wanted to go over there!'  So the plan was to check it out!!  I found a nice path around a pond, a bridge, a tunnel . . .

After my little hike around the pond I felt the need to go down to the river where I knew there was a little beach area.  I could have spent the whole day down there!! It was nice in the sun, there was a little breeze coming off the water, I could kick off my flips and put my feet in the sand . . . *sigh* it was so nice!!

I figured since I was in the area I would head over to the Devil's Hopyard falls just for fun for a few minutes. I went last year and had a great time jumping around the rocks.  Today was just as fun :)

So grateful for a wonderful day, hoping I'll have time for more little trips soon!!
Cheers :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


So I've done a terrible job keeping up with my pic of the days this month, but then when I looked back almost all of the shots I had were gym related in some way shape or form . . .  and that is actually a pretty accurate portrayal of my month!!

I'm going to try and work on a little variety in April!!
Cheers :)