Tuesday, February 11, 2014

It's Still Cold . . .

. . . so let's make the most of it!!  Hope everyone's not too tired of all the winter-y shots.  Yeah I know we're tired of it being 2 degrees out and getting snow every other day, but before we know it everyone will be sick of the heat!!  Yes I'm missing my tan, but why not take advantage of the snow and ice while it's here, and try to enjoy it and have a little fun with it?

More snow predicted Thursday . . .   :)
Stay warm!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

It's Winter!

In case the below 0 temperatures didn't give it away it's winter!! This past week we've had a bunch of snow making for some lovely landscapes and photo ops :)

Hope everyone is keeping warm!!
Cheers :)

January 2014

Catching up after a few crazy weeks and some computer woes.
Started the new year running :)

Already a week into February and things aren't slowing down.
Good thing I like being busy :)