So at some point this year someone had sent me one of those Facebook challenges about writing a few things that you're grateful for a few days. I never got around to it but figured Thanksgiving and here on the blog where I can include pictures is a perfect time to do it :) So here are a few things I'm thankful for . . .

First I am so very thankful for my family. What can I say? They're always there for me no matter what. I can always count on them, and I love them all dearly :)

I am also thankful for my friends. Old and new I am thankful for the laughs, the stories, for listening when I need to vent, for making me smile, and for having my back :)

I also have my gym family who I am so thankful for! I am so fortunate that where I work and the people I spend everyday with have really become a second family to me. I'm so fortunate to spend everyday with such a wonderful group of people!!
I am thankful for my health. Sure I've got plenty of aches and pains, but 9 years ago at Thanksgiving I was on crutches recovering from surgery. I've had 2 more since and am so grateful to the doctors who put me back together. This year I ran in 2 obstacle races (something I never thought I would ever do and am so proud of) and somehow still manage to flip around the gym a little from time to time and have the energy to keep up with my sometimes crazy schedule (that could be thanks to coffee, but either way I'm thankful).
My cameras! I am usually happiest when I am out and about with a camera shooting away. I am thankful for my array of options when I go shooting, I am thankful for the joy it brings me and I am thankful when I can make someone smile through my photographs. It's the best feeling when I can make someone else happy by doing what makes me happy :)
Sunshine!! Ok this one might seem a little silly, and I'm not saying I only like summer, because I do enjoy the other seasons too, but I am so thankful for sun shiny days, and (yes I know it's a silly thing) being able to get a nice tan. But getting outside, going for a hike, getting some fresh air. It's all more enjoyable in the sunshine. (And I am thankful for comfy hoodies when the sun is not out ;-P )

I am oh so thankful for traveling! Traveling is something I love to do, and over the last couple years I have been given some amazing opportunities!! There's a big world out there and I just want to see it! Some places are on my bucket list and I've been able to check some off. Other opportunities were unexpected, but I made memories and saw and experienced things I never thought I would. I can only pray for more opportunities and will gladly take them when I can get them!!

I am thankful for my creative thinking. It shows itself in different ways from time to time, sometimes it's creating something for someone, other times it's simply coming up with a solution to a problem. Whatever it is I am thankful for my moments of thinking "outside the box" and when my creativity can be helpful to others :)

Lastly, I am thankful for my freedom and safety. I will admit I am not a hugely patriotic person, and you could argue that this should have been the first thing on my list, but I am very grateful to the men and women who put their lives on the line to keep us all safe both close to home and around the world.
I'm sure there are quite a few more things I could easily add, but these are some of the things in my life that I am most grateful for. I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!! Cheers :)