Monday, March 23, 2015

Gymnastics :: At Speed

So I've said it many times, I need a new camera. Sadly I tend to dream too big . . . So, in the meantime I've got to make due with what I have.  As a result I can only shoot so fast inside and gyms tend to be irritatingly dark :p As frustrating as it can be to have the occasional good timing and a slow shutter speed, once in a while the results of a fast sport like gymnastics can be interesting. So if you can look beyond things like the annoying grain, I think the mix of focus and blur can be kinda cool.

Someday I'll be able to shoot fast enough for my liking, but until then I'll try to make the most out of what I have.  Cheers :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


So in a my efforts to take more pictures I took myself down to the aquarium for a little while the other day. I always love going down there and shooting animals is one of my favorite things. So here are a few shots from a quick little excursion.

Happy shooting :)
Cheers :)

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Snow Therapy

I know everyone in New England is getting a little tired of all this snow we keep getting every other day, but I think today it was an answer to my prayers.  I know strange thought right?  Well for me I've been needing to take pictures.  Things have been so busy and the freezing weather has sort of been discouraging going out and about much.  But like I said I need to take pictures. It's like a therapy for me.  It makes me happy, it can severely help my mood, and for me it actually helps with stress and anxiety.  So again, I've been needing to take pictures.  Sure the snow has been feeling a little monotonous, but hey, why not make the most of a situation?  Sort of a lemonade when you get lemons sort of thing.  I know I didn't take any masterpieces but that wasn't the goal.  I got outside, enjoyed the weather even if it was chilly, and I got to take some pictures.  So I think I win :)

Here's to making the most of a situation!!
Cheers :)


As usual these days, a little late, but here's my February:

A good balance of work and fun. We'll see what March has in store :)