Saturday, February 13, 2016

So It Snowed . . .

So winter has decided to come to New England this year. It does every year, I know, it's just a matter of time.  Over the last couple weeks I've been trying to take advantage of the snow.  If it's going to be cold might as well try to find something positive.  I like going out in the storms anyway.  I don't know why.  We have a hurricane a blizzard, I get an urge to be out in it. Maybe I should have been a storm chaser?  I digress . . .  Anyway, I've been out hiking, walking in the storms, and just being me . . . out with my camera . . .  doing what I do . . .

Lovin' it. Stay safe and warm, but enjoy it!
Cheers :)

Thursday, February 4, 2016

January 2016

Well, 2015 was quite the whirlwind and 2016 seems to starting off just the same!!  Been a quick month, but things have been overall good :)

Cheers :)