Friday, April 22, 2016

That Random Hodgepodge Potpourri Of A Post

Well, I've been having a very productive day (this whole "having a day off" thing is kinda nice ... feeling spoiled, but getting so much done!!)  Over the last month or so I've been shooting at a few different places and have had lists of images all over my desk. I think I had specific intentions as I took them to do certain things with some of them, others ... didn't really have a plan (I just like taking pictures). So! Since I've been getting so much done and cleaned up, pictures is next!! Instead of 5 or 6 different little posts, I decided on 1 big post with images that don't necessarily relate to each other, but I liked them all anyway ... So the fact that I took them and I like them relates them ;p Other than that it's a pot luck of images for your viewing pleasure!! :D

Well I had to have my camera at the gym to take a banner picture of Nick and well... just took pictures.

 I think this one would have been amazing ...

Beach pictures this time of year are so fun.  No one is there! It's just peaceful

If you've checked out any of my pictures before you've probably see shots from my aquarium adventures.  Love shooting animals, and when I get to go with my nieces it's so much fun.  The wonder of a child is truly inspiring and something I think we all need to hold onto or try to tap into whenever possible

 The octopus was out!!!! He's been hiding or hard to see when I usually go but on this trip he was all over the glass and swimming all over, I was so excited!!

 "Hi there!"

Back at the beach!!

 I love hiking down to the water at Gillette's Castle. It's a nice little hike, the beach area there isn't big but it's quiet and peaceful most of the time, just a very calming place for me

Well there's a dose of randomness for you today, but I got my images shared, and my desk cleaned up a little. Let the productiveness continue!!
Cheers :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

March 2016

I know I'm very late but finally getting my March pictures up!

April has already been busy, we'll see what else it has in store!
Cheers :)