Friday, May 13, 2016

My Ghost Adventures . . .

Holy Land, CT
Ok, so maybe a slight disclaimer because there were really no ghosts, but I've been a little obsessed with that show lately so that title just seemed right.  Anyway, it's Friday the 13th so I decided a little trip to an old cemetery sounded like a good idea.  I don't know what it is about artists and old things and old places that attracts us, maybe everyone has a certain strange attraction to old dilapidated places and rusty old stuff and artists are just the strange ones who try to capture it and recreate it ... I don't know.  But I go to places like this old cemetery and there's a certain sad, strange sort of feeling.  Obviously it's a cemetery so there's plenty of sadness, or maybe I've been watching too much Ghost Adventures but I can't help but look at these old head stones and wonder who these people were. Some have fallen down, some are so old and worn they just look like stone sticking up out of the ground.  I've always had a slightly hyperactive imagination and can't help but imagine who they were, and that at some point they were loved and their plots taken care of.
What happened over the years?  A month or so ago I went to Holy Land in Waterbury.  Once upon a time it was a biblical themed amusement park, it was a happy place, it was bright and taken care of.  And somehow it all slipped away. It closed and was forgotten, it was vandalized, the weather took it's toll.  Time took it's toll.  But it leaves behind a feeling ... maybe it's an energy, I'm not sure.  Like at one point there was joy, at one point the people buried in the cemetery were happy, there was goodness.  Now there's silence, and forgotten memories.  Maybe I'm getting a little too deep, not sure, but I feel like it's so hard to put a feeling into words sometimes.  I guess I just wanted to capture that sad feeling that I felt there, not sad like depressed or anything just sort of ... morose?  Maybe? Quiet? Not sure. I guess you'd just have to feel it.
 Anyway, I did keep an eye out for ghosts ;) ... nothing. Sorry.  Though I did find myself mentally apologizing as I walked around in case I was stepping on someone.  The range of stones and years here boggles my mind.  There are people from the early 1800's to people buried just months ago, 80 year olds to infants.  I just hope it reminds me to stay humble and love the people I have in my life and live life while I can.
Anyway! Truly didn't intend on a deep depressing post. Happy Friday the 13th!!

If you spot any shadow figures or orbs that I missed, let me know ;)
Cheers, all!!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

My April . . .

Been a good month!! :) <3

Looking forward to adventures in May!!
Cheers :)