Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hurricane Irene ... The Way I Saw It ...

Power went out nice and early Sunday morning because of the hurricane and almost a week later it's finally back on so I can post a few pictures of the storm   :)

Our Prep Before The Storm:

My Dad got this brilliant idea to put his truck on mom's side of the garage and to put mom's and
 my cars both on his side. Honestly I didn't think they'd fit . . . It was close but we did it. 
Didn't realize my car was that small . . . or Dad's garage was that big . . . :)

Irene Is Here!

Carter came to check on me in the morning . . . and check on the storm

During an intense game of Clue . . .

. . . we lost a big portion of a tree in the side yard.  On the bright side we should be
able to play volleyball a little better now  :)

Darline and Carter were on the look out for more falling trees  ;)

When it calmed down a little bit I had to go out and check things out!!

Looking down the street . . . all seems well

And I had to go puddle jumping  :)

The Next Day:

Lots of trees were down and roads blocked

But it was a beautiful day  :)

We got right to cleaning up . . .

. . . and about 2 1/2 hours later that big tree was in the wood pile  :)
Hopefully everything will be back to normal now   :)
Cheers  :)

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