Thursday, April 5, 2012

Gillette's Castle

I took a little drive out to East Haddem today to Gillette's Castle.
I wasn't sure what to expect, I believe I went once when I was little but I didn't really remember anything about it.  Though the castle itself is still closed for the season the grounds and trails are open.

Some of the trails went down to the river where the ferry goes back and forth
I really enjoyed just being able to kick off my flip flops and have my toes in the sand by the water . . .  summer is coming!!

I hiked one of the trails that went down to the water and then came around the back of the castle where there's a beautiful view of the river.
It was so nice there.  I was worried that all the stone was going to make everything sort of dull and mono-toned, but the different ways the stones were used and all the little details were really amazing, it was so much fun to shoot  :)

Can't wait to go back again, maybe in the summer when it's open and I can check out the inside :)
Cheers :)

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