Tuesday, January 31, 2012


So, on January 1st every year people make their new years resolutions for the year. Most years I don't bother because I honestly don't give it much thought and I don't really care which means it'll last a week and then I'll forget. Well this year I came up with something that I could possibly do and it was something that I would actually care about!! Months ago I decided that I didn't take enough pictures and put myself in motion to change that, as a result this blog was born!! It has certainly got me out shooting more which I love, but still sometimes a week or possibly 2 will go by and I don't really touch my camera, so for a new years resolution this year I decided to take at least 1 picture every day!! So far I'm doing good and am having a lot of fun with it :) So here are some of my favorite Pic-Of-The-Day shots from January!!

Well 1 month down 11 more to go!!
I'll keep you posted!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Night Light

So what do you do when you leave at 11pm on a 3 hour drive home?
. . .
Well I don't know about anyone else but I take pictures :)
Here are some slow exposures of the lights on the drive home from PA

 Cheers :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Road ... Traveled

Well I was off to Pennsylvania today!!
 I had the luxury of navigating instead of driving so I got to take some pictures along the way :)

This first one had me a little confused . . . ?
We were on our way from CT to PA after all . . .

Anyway this was a glimps of the road we traveled :
Tappan Zee

We made it!!
This is just the start of some exciting travels this week!!
I'll keep everyone posted!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOS Crew!

Good Luck
To The Guys Of The
SOS Crew
At The ABDC Tryouts This Weekend!!

Cheers !!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Ayer's Lookout

So my plans for the morning didn't work out the way I was anticipating, but it was such a beautiful morning and I was out and about anyway, so I hiked up Ayer's Gap to the lookout to take a few pictures (people wonder why I never leave home without at least my point and shoot camera . . . these little spur of the moment stops would be the reason!!)

Happy Friday!!
Cheers !!