Tuesday, January 31, 2012


So, on January 1st every year people make their new years resolutions for the year. Most years I don't bother because I honestly don't give it much thought and I don't really care which means it'll last a week and then I'll forget. Well this year I came up with something that I could possibly do and it was something that I would actually care about!! Months ago I decided that I didn't take enough pictures and put myself in motion to change that, as a result this blog was born!! It has certainly got me out shooting more which I love, but still sometimes a week or possibly 2 will go by and I don't really touch my camera, so for a new years resolution this year I decided to take at least 1 picture every day!! So far I'm doing good and am having a lot of fun with it :) So here are some of my favorite Pic-Of-The-Day shots from January!!

Well 1 month down 11 more to go!!
I'll keep you posted!!

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