Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hike :)

Just when I think I'm getting caught up on photo stuff I find I'm behind again ... oh well, at least it keeps me busy :) So to start to catch up again, I went for a hike on Friday with mom and of course I had to bring my camera along.  We ventured off the beaten path a few times to head down to a stream and waterfall. It was probably the most fun I've ever had shooting water, and I think I was my mom's entertainment.  As I was leaping from rock to rock to get a different angle or get closer to the falls she told me she could see the wheels turning in my head and was just waiting for me to fall in - thanks mom :) (although with a camera in my hand, there's no way I would let that happen!!)

See the rock there in the middle?
Yup I climbed  all the way up there :)
Just had to get in the middle of everything :)
Ahh . . .  it was such a nice morning, looking forward to more hiking now that the weather is warming up!!
Hope to get a few pics up soon from all the meets over the past couple weekends . . . I've got work to do!!


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