Saturday, May 5, 2012

Devil's Hopyard

So I've discovered a few things about myself recently . . . Apparently I enjoy climbing around on rocks (which I guess I already knew seeing how I'll go rock/wall climbing any chance I get), and I guess I like playing in rivers since that seems to be my location of choice for shooting lately :)  Earlier in the week my mom and I went out to Devil's Hopyard to do some hiking.  Our 'hiking' turned into a lot of me climbing around on the falls taking pictures :)

It was a very pretty spot and neither of us had been there before so we just enjoyed the view and a relaxing morning.  
Mom taking my picture . . .
. . . While I took her picture :)

Mom even got a couple shots of me which doesn't happen too often :)

We had a lovely time and this little guy was hanging out across the street to greet us when we got home :)
'Til the next great adventure . . .

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