Made it out to Roger Williams Zoo for the annual Pumpkin Spectacular this year!! We weren't sure if we'd get there as planned because it rained most of the day Wednesday, but it cleared up late in the afternoon and turned out to be a perfect night to go!! Don't know if it was because it was a weeknight or if the rain scared everyone, but there was hardly anyone there!! Last year we had to wait in line for probably a good hour, hour and a half before we got to walk the trail. This year we walked right up no waiting, went straight to the trail and it was so much easier to see things!! Last time there was a lot of people so you had to be patient to get to see some stuff and you got pushed around a little. We could see everything, we were singing and dancing to Hakuna Matata were the Lion King pumpkins were, it was an unexpected change from last time and I think we all felt a little spoiled :)

This years theme was movies!! I love movies!! There were some areas that were all done up with a series of carvings about one film, and there were other areas that had a bunch of different pumpkins showing a genres of movie. I knew what the majority of them were so I was excited about that. I tried to really edit down the number of shots I was going to post, but after looking through the shots quite a few times I decided to just post a bunch of them, so here's about 20 of my favorites
It started out with The Wizard Of Oz
The Lord Of The Rings ones were really cool, the display was complete with a hobbit hole.
Can't wait for the new movie to come out in December!!
Charlie Chaplin is just fantastic, was excited to see him included
Indy, Star Wars, Ghostbusters . . . some of my favorites :)
Just thought the Beauty And The Beast one was pretty and they had a bunch out on pedestals in the lake
So we were singing and dancing to the Lion King,
and then serenading each other with My Heart Will Go On
I had a little fun . . . thought they looked cool :)
Some of these pumpkins are so big!! And there's so much to see at the laughing tree!!
We had a lot of fun again this year!! Can't wait to see what they can come up with next year!!
Cheers :)