Thursday, December 20, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree . . . 2012

So, when I got home from work tonight there were probably about a dozen things I needed to do, but instead of jumping right on them, taking a few pictures sounded like a lot more fun :)
Every year for Christmas my mom makes each of us kids a new ceramic ornament.  I had been scoping out the tree and noticed one of the ornaments my mom had made me.  Every one has our initials and the year on the bottom.  As I was flipping it over to check the date I thought 'Oh this one was from just a couple years ago'  Turns out it was from 14 years ago!!  I swear the older I get, the faster time goes.  Anyway I started going around the tree checking the years on a few of my other ornaments.  When you really think about it, it's sort of a time capsule we put up every year, we can reflect back on old memories and add new ones each year.
Last year I took a couple shots of some of the ornaments on my tree, and decided to do the same thing with the big tree this year.  Some of them are new, some are old, some are hand made, others bought, some from around the world, but all of them have a memory . . .

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season filled with happy new memories :)
Cheers :)

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