Sunday, December 22, 2013

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like . . . NYC

Well I got it in my head again this year that I wanted to go to the city to see the Christmas decorations.  My competition schedule and the forecasted snowy weather last weekend made me wonder if I was going to make it, but I can happily tell you I had a wonderful day in the city today :) It was warm for December but it made walking around the city very pleasant.  I went to Rockefeller center last year in August and the little kid in me couldn't quite understand why there was no Christmas tree :p I know, I know!! It was August!! But I had never been there when there wasn't a tree!! It was strange to me.  Well the city was decorated today!!

I knew I wanted to head down to 34th Street to see the Macy's store windows since they are always amazing, but on our way we came across the windows at Sak's on 5th, and they had an adorable display about a Yeti who made snowflakes and came to New York.  It was so cute.
We wandered through Times Square and lunch was a treat :) My parents love Guy Fieri's show "Diners, Drive In's, and Dives", and in some of their recent travels have managed to stop at 2 or 3 of the places featured on the show.  So mom asked me to look up places in the city from the show, and I did them 1 better, Guy's actual restaurant, right in Times Square!

The food was delicious, and fueled us up for the rest of our trip!

There were more decorations to see first!

2 years ago I had taken a NYC trip with this same purpose.  In our wanderings that day we had made our way down to the World Trade Center Memorial, but we didn't know you needed a pass to see the memorial until after they had stopped giving them out for the day.
Today was different!!  We figured out the subway system and made it to the memorial with plenty of time to wait in the long line, go through the security, and see the site.  It's such an amazing thing to see.  I've seen pictures, but to actually be there is such an amazing experience.  I can only hope my pictures can at least partially convey the power and respect this memorial deserves.

So grateful to have made it down for the day!!  Seeing the WTC Memorial was wonderful, getting to enjoy the city and the Christmas decorations and make a few memories made it a perfect day :)  Getting excited to celebrate Christmas with the family in a couple days.  Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!


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