Maybe 2 years ago, at the beginning of the year, I started writing down a few things that I really wanted to try to do over the course of the following year. Life happens and years just seem to go faster and faster so maybe I don't get to everything but I try. I managed 5 out of the 7 things on the list this year (guess we'll have to see if Niagara Falls and the Empire State Building are in the cards for 2015). Doing things like going to the beach and even going ice skating may seem like easy things to check off, but I don't get out to the beach that often and I don't remember the last time I went skating. Well, somehow I made it happen, and even better, got to share it with good friends :)
On top of my list this year was the Bronx Zoo. I had never been before and my Aunt and I had been talking about going for a couple years now. I figured the only way to make it happen was to pick a date and just go . . . So that's what we did! Could not have asked for a better day!
Bucket List:
My wonderful family has grown again this year!! In 2013 I became an Auntie for the first time and I have been loving every minute of it!! This year we welcomed another beautiful bundle of joy, my second niece, Leah!
Most years we make a trip North to Vermont to visit family. I look forward to it, love to see my family and I love the scenery. This summer we made it up for a weekend and enjoyed a day at Jay Peek as well as some time hanging out enjoying each other's company at my uncle's cabin.
A few of us made another quick trip up recently to visit with the family, and my sister and I tried to spread a little seasonal joy . . .

Ok, we all know running is not my thing. Somehow my wonderful friends managed to talk me into running not just 1, but 2 obstacle races this year. I ran, and survived, a Spartan Sprint and a Rugged Maniac race. Now that is something I never ever thought I would do, but now when I wear my Finisher shirts, there's a certain sense of pride and accomplishment that goes along with it.
Ok. Those were some of the big things that went on this year, here's the rest of it:
Here's to another wonderful year in 2015!!