Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween Hike

So it's Halloween, one of my favorite holidays and I have the night off of work . . . whatever will I do with myself . . . What else?! I went out shooting!!  My original plan for the day was to find an old cemetery and shoot there, but plans tend to change a lot around here and a last minute trip to Gillette's Castle and Devil's Hopyard seemed like a good idea instead :)

Not spooky or scary by any means but it was a lovely fall day, there's still some color on the trees . . . Happy hauntings tonight everyone!!
Cheers :)

Friday, October 24, 2014

Past Your Doorstep

It's amazing what you can find right outside your door if you just look . . . 

"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. 
You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, 
there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."
-Bilbo Baggins The Lord Of The Rings

Cheers :)


Having to catch up on pictures is a problem I enjoy having!! Made our annual trip out to the Roger William's Pumpkin Spectacular.  It was a busy night at the zoo, but like years past it was worth it.  The theme this year was the alphabet with pumpkins carved for each letter like "A"lice in Wonderland, "B"ees and Butterflies, and "C"hristmas.

Happy Halloween :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Under The Mountain

And this is why New England is the best place to be in the fall . . .

Cheers :)

Monday, October 13, 2014

Bronx Trip

So I know I haven't been posting much lately partly because I haven't had a ton of time to get out and about and partly because I never seem to have time to sit down and do it :p  But it makes me happier when I have the chance to share my pictures so I have to find the time!!  This past weekend I finally made the trip out to the Bronx Zoo.  I've been wanted to go for such a long time and it finally happened!!  The weather was beautiful, was in good company, couldn't have asked for a better day :) To top it all off it was a wonderful picture opportunity.  I love to shoot animals, I think like sports and kids there's a certain challenge to it that I enjoy.  Whatever the reason, it made for an enjoyable day!!

Cheers :)