Friday, December 23, 2016

Tree, Memories, 2016

I started taking pictures of my Christmas tree and ornaments a couple years ago and it's become a bit of a tradition.  When I get the chance to travel I like to get a new ornament, and there are always the ones that year after year I get excited to unwrap and hang up.  So it's a nice way to look back at the years and then showcase a few.  This year my big trip was to California where I brought back memories from Disneyland's diamond 60th anniversary celebration and the San Diego Zoo's 100th anniversary.

Hope everyone has had a wonderful year full of exciting memories :) 
Merry Christmas!!
Cheers :)

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Simply Harkness

I've been up to Harkness Park quite a bit since the beginning of fall.  It's such a great place to shoot!  I love walking on the beach and listening to the water, and on occasion walking up to the house and checking out the gardens.  It's the simple beauty and it's quiet and it's calming ...  I'll let the pictures speak for me, I've taken a few since September ...

Oh what the difference a day can make ... I don't seem to get tired of it ... Each time there's something a little different and the breeze, sound, and smell is always refreshing ... 'Til next time ...

Monday, December 5, 2016


I know I say this every month, but I swear the months go by faster and faster!! This past week felt like it was a weird week and sort of dragged, but at the end of it, it was suddenly December!! How does this keep happening?!

Luckily it's been productive and in the end there have been more smiles then frustrations ... Can't ask for more...
Cheers :)