Monday, December 5, 2016

Big Picture ... Small Details

I have had so many pictures sitting ready to go and I haven't been able to decide what I want to do with them.  Once in a while I get inspired and ... this is the result.  The weather has been so nice lately still feeling like fall (minus this morning waking up to a dusting of snow), so maybe that's what has had me looking back at some shooting I did in the fall ... or the lists have been staring at me for so long I couldn't take it any more ... Either way ...
There's something peaceful about a river.  Yes, some have crazy rapids that can be rather intense but most of the time they just peacefully flow and trickle and it's calming.  The Yantic is along a sometimes busy road but I feel like I don't usually notice it.  Big trucks can go by and I don't hear it.  Maybe I'm focusing on shooting or on the little things like the rocks or the shadows the trees are casting that I just tune it out, I really don't know.  On this particular trip there wasn't much water flowing since we didn't have much rain all summer.  I was actually able to walk from one side to the other without getting wet ... don't think I've ever been able to do that before ...  That's ok, I was able to get a different view for a change, and that is something I'm always looking for...

There's another spot not too far away I like to go to, again, shoot the water (which sadly there wasn't much of) and there are some railroad tracks.  I don't know why I like railroad tracks ... I think it goes back to liking old rust falling apart stuff.  It could also be my imagination runs away ... can you imagine living in the days where everything was by train? It was a different time for sure, and I'm sure my head romanticizes it, but I can't help it.  Where ever it is my head decides to go the wood, the rivets, the spikes ... it's beautiful!

It's the little things that catch my eye.  How often do we focus on the little things?  Yeah, I know, were not supposed to dwell on the little things, big picture right?  But it's all those little things that make up the big picture.  Like if one of those little things was missing the big picture wouldn't be complete.  I like the little things ...

Cheers :)

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