Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What Happens In Vegas ... Day 1

I had every intention of keeping everyone updated throughout my trip, but we literally never stopped over the 5 days I was in Las Vegas.  I took so many pictures and I'm starting to look through them, so I'll take it day by day and show you what we all did.  It was such a great experience I think everyone had fun, I know I had a blast and I can't wait to go back!!  Day 1 we flew out bright and early and because of the time difference when we landed we still had all day to do some sight seeing and go to some shows.

 Most of the flight it was cloudy out so there wasn't much to see until we got around the Colorado Rockies then we could see some of the mountains
 Joseph was a little angel the whole trip
 Our plane's shadow in some clouds as we were getting ready to land
Our first glimps of Vegas!!  I don't know if it's because I've grown up in New England where we have hills and mountains everywhere, but the flatness of the area is a little strange to me.  You fly over mountains and then it gets completely flat and then BOOM!! There are huge buildings just sticking up in the middle of it all!!

 We had joked before we left that we would put Kev in the closet and go out for the night, well the walk in closet in the master bedroom was so big the roll away bed fit and that's where he wanted to sleep :)
We were off to check out the city . . .

 There were moving sidewalks going to and from some of the resorts which we had a lot of fun on over the course of the weekend
 There were these amazing sculptures at the entrance to the "O" Theater in the Bellagio

 New York, New York
 The Luxor
(I had posted a picture of the view from our hotel window which was the Eiffel Tower on my facebook, Kim commented that the Pyramids of Egypt were out their window . . . only in Vegas can you walk down the street and take a trip around the world)
 I realize we were in a desert but a lot of the resorts have nice landscaping with flowers, but there wasn't too much grass.  I did manage to find some while we were out and I had to test it . . .  was sort of bummed when it was fake
 There were people dressed up as different characters all over the place, the first one we spotted was Bert and Ernie in an elevator
All the glass on the buildings made for some cool shots

Night 1 I got super lucky and had the opportunity to see 2 different Cirque du Soleil shows.
We went with all the boys to see Beatles LOVE
The show was cool, lots of dancing. My seat was in the balcony so I was able to look down on the stage, the panels of the floor would move around and up and down so it was neat to be able to see it all happening
There were curtains that they would project silhouettes of the Beatles off of.  To me the whole show was an interpretation of a dream, like if you heard their music in your dreams this is what you'd see

After LOVE I was off to the Bellagio to see "O"
I've wanted to see this for years so I was thrilled to go
 The theater was beautiful, I sort of wish there hadn't been a curtain up so I hcould have gotten a shot of the stage/pool but it was amazing
When the show started a girl hung in the middle of this thing and dropped down to the
 ground flipping inside it
The show was everything I had hoped for, it was beautiful, the acrobatics had you on the edge of your seat

 Most of the hotels were dressed up for the Chinese New Year so there were lanterns and dragons all over the place. The Conservatory at the Bellagio was lit up at night
 Fountain inside the Bellagio
This horse was in the lobby of the Bellagio, in case you can't tell the entire thing is glittery

So that was our first day in Vegas!!
More to come soon!!

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