Friday, July 19, 2013

The Voyage . . . Home?

Ok so maybe we weren't on the Enterprise but we did spend the afternoon looking for whales!!  I had a vacation weekend a couple weeks ago so of course I had to go out and do something.  Lucky for me my usual partner in crime was game but unfortunately for us neither of us could decide what exactly we wanted to do.  Going into the weekend we had originally been planning on going out to Block Island, but for a variety of reasons decided to save it for another weekend.  So what to do? After a lot of research on our smart phones over breakfast and a few minutes twiddling our thumbs in the Starbucks parking lot we decided to head for Boston and see if we could make it out on a whale watch.  When we had visited a couple months ago we had put it on the list of things we should do one day.  By the time we got there the last boat at 5:30 was the only one available.  Why not? We were already there.  So we had a few hours to kill . . .
A nice flower garden entertained me for a while, lunch at a pub, some shopping, and a little laying around in the sun did the trick!!

So we were off to find whales!!  I had never done anything like that before and wasn't really sure what to expect.  It was fun and we found the whales Captain Kirk!!

Any time the whale did anything interesting it was always on the other side of the boat, but that's ok, it was still neat to see, and taking the later boat turned out to be a good thing because the sunset was beautiful!!  I tried but I don't think the pictures do it justice.

Cheers :)

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