Monday, September 9, 2013

SD-1: Badlands

So I'm on vacation and I bet you never would have guessed that I've been taking pictures :P My mom and I made the hop out to South Dakota earlier today.  When she asked me about going with her, my reaction was similar to what most people said to me when I informed them of my vacation plans 'What on Earth is in South Dakota?' Well Mt Rushmore for one, but we haven't made our way there just yet.  After landing in almost a hayfield it seemed, we made the trip out to the Badlands National Park.  Only 2 people had any idea about what was out here when I talked to them, and I had a friend tell me that the Badlands were not to be missed. (Thanks Dan, you were totally right)  The drive out wasn't a difficult one, there's been no traffic to speak of, it's just very different from New England.  There are farms everywhere!! Yes I realize we have those in CT, I've lived near them my whole life, but these farms stretch as far as the eye can see.  I have seen more cows then people, and more hay bails then I have in my entire life combined!  It is certainly very different out here.  So I was told about these badlands, but after seeing the farms and rolling fields leading up to it, I wasn't entirely sure what to expect.  It was absolutely amazing!!  Of course I took pictures but I don't think any of them properly express just how huge this place is.  These pictures can give you a taste, but it's something you really just need to see for yourself one day!
We pulled in and about the first thing we saw was a couple of goats grazing in a field beside the road, definitely not what I was expecting...

The you drive, literally just feet and on the other side the landscape just explodes!

It was huge, and the rocks just went on and on, and the colors and shapes ... like I said there's just so much to try to cram into a little rectangle view finder, I feel like all the pictures are just bursting at the seams!!
There were more fun surprises then just the incredible landscape.  We came to a sign warning us of bison. Anytime in the past I have been out in nature or on some sort of reserve and saw a sign warning me of a possible animal sighting I have always very intently looked and I have never actually seen the advertised animal.  So I didn't get my hopes up, but wouldn't you know just past where the sign was grazing in the field were bison.  I couldn't believe it

So as we're about to pull over I spot a cute little furry animal near the road.  A prairie dog! Who would have thought.  Come to find out there was a prairie dog farm and they were everywhere!!  So many that when I got out of the car to take pictures I was so focused on not stepping in the giant "bison pie" I stepped right in a prairie dog hole instead.  No prairie dog was home, thankfully, but I almost lost my flip flop!

We drove some of the scenic roads on our way out of the park and stopped a few times to enjoy the view :)

Driving to the hotel was filled with its own entertainment.  This is what we saw:
Yes that is a giant dinosaur ... in a random field ... on the side of the road ...
It really truely is very beautiful out here.  Will get more pics of the badlands posted soon, and can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring :)

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