Wednesday, September 11, 2013

SD-2: Caves, Custer, Crazy

Day 2 was supposed to be the day!! We made a plan in the morning and this was going to be the day that we made it over to Mt Rushmore.  Well like many well laid plans something usually comes up, but we're on vacation for a few days so it really didn't make any difference.  Instead we checked a few different attractions off our to-do list instead :)  The day started as planned with a trip over to the Jewel Caves.  We had a fun commute getting there!! We simply followed the GPS instructions, and it would seem that a good chunk of South Dakota (or at least where we're staying) is National Parks.  To get most places you need to pass through part of one.  So we're only about 5 miles into the trip and we run into the Wind Caves National Park.  Ok, cool, we'll just pass through.  Next we see a sign warning travelers of large breed animals.  As if on cue there were the buffalo!!  A whole herd of them right by the road.  We even had to stop so some could cross the road.  I can remember having to stop for cow crossing when I was a kid, but for a wandering bunch of buffalo? That was a first.

We made it to the caves and got ready for a tour.  It started with an elevator ride down a couple 100 feet into the ground and then we followed the path through about a mile of caves.  They were pretty cool, and our guide was great.

Mom insisted on taking one of me

We had a great time and saw some amazing rock formations.  Since the tour took a little longer then expected we decided to alter our plans slightly, and since the path to the Crazy Horse Monument took us right by Custer State Park we decided to check out some of the scenic roads.
 We started on the wilderness loop in Custer.  There was an abundance of wildlife again, which we're starting to get used to but it's still entertaining to me every time I see little prairie dog heads popping out of the ground and bison grazing beside the road.

 From the wilderness loop we headed over to the Needles Road.  If you get car sick this probably isn't a good idea for you, but the view is amazing!!  A few one way tunnels and the spires are just something else.  I've never seen anything like it!!

After making quite a few stops along the scenic road we finally arrived at the Crazy Horse Monument.  We took the bus down closer to the monument to get a better look, and the visitors center was full of information on Native American culture as well as the history of the monument and models of the finished product.

We stayed until dark when they were doing a light show.  It was pretty interesting.  They projected images and lasers on the monument talking about history and the making of the monument.

It was another fun day, we crammed a lot in and there's still a lot more to see :)

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