Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Tree . . .

I've been a little lazy about posting lately, but I did get around to doing my annual shoot of my Christmas tree! This is a shoot I always enjoy because, just like when I'm putting up my tree and unwrapping ornaments one by one, it brings back memories.  Some are just fun and whimsical and just . . . me, but every year one or two more get added to remember different adventures or moments.  Like this year I picked up a fun Mickey hat in Disney, and built a Lego ornament from Minnesota.  They all bring back smiles and using the camera to focus on them one at a time forces me to focus on it and the memories each one contains :)

My aunt got me this one, mostly because of the penguin but she knows I get excited for Christmas and it plays "I'm so excited" ;)

Got hooked on the Venetian masks especially after studying puppetry

Such a cool Lego store at the Mall Of America.  This one came back with me

Got to make a dream come true and do the top thing on my bucket list.
Swimming with dolphins summer 2014

Hoops and Yoyo just make me smile :)

Once a gymnast always a gymnast. I do have one with my name on it but that one stays in my room year round

Got to go down to Disney in 2013 for the second time in my life
 I just hoped it wouldn't be another 17 before my next visit . . . 
Didn't think I'd get to go briefly in 2014 and again in 2015
Memories, memories, memories . . .
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a safe, happy, healthy New Year filled with wonderful memories :)

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