Tuesday, December 29, 2015

How I Saw 2015

At this time of the year I always like to do my "Year In Review" post and look back at all the adventures of the year.  It's been a crazy year.  I've had some of my highest highs and at the same time some of my lowest lows all wrapped up in the same year.  It's been crazy busy, which is how I like things anyway.  I usually do a lot of writing to recap everything, but I think a quick overview will do and I'll let the pictures do the talking, they are worth a thousand words and hold the real memories anyway.
2015 kept me busy.  I traveled to Florida, Niagara Falls, and Minnesota, our family changed a little this year, I got to do a lot of babysitting and enjoy watching my nieces grow, I got a new camera . . . It's all been crazy, really that's the best word to describe my year I think, just crazy . . . Now I know there are a million moments and people that I won't have pictured, but hopefully this will be a good overview that will represent everyone and everything in some way shape or form . . .
So, this is how I saw 2015 . . .

Phew! It's been a year!! To my wonderful family and friends who got me through (and survived this mile long post), I am so grateful and blessed to have you all in my life.  I came across this quote from Liam Neesen the other day that read:
"Everyone says that love hurts, but that is not true.
Loneliness hurts.
Rejection hurts.
Losing someone hurts.
Envy hurts.
Everyone gets these things confused with love,
but in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain
and makes someone feel wonderful again.
Love is the only thing in this world that does not hurt."
Though I feel I knew this already, for whatever reason these words stuck out to me, and as we get ready to start a new year, start with a clean slate, I pray these hurts don't haunt your year and that only happiness and dreams and love find you all in 2016. Should you need it, I'm always a shoulder or an ear or whatever you all need, luckily life never gets too busy to spread some love with the people I care about :) Sharing time and love turns into laughter and happiness and adventure and that always turns into the best memories.
Can't wait to see what adventures and new memories await!
Love you all :)

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