Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Strange Sort Of Beautiful

Being a photographer, naturally there are plenty of social media pages that I follow or like or what have you, and so many times I see little memes about how it's not all about the camera, it's the photographer.  In many cases, yes I agree.  For a number of years I had to work with an older, outdated camera and I had to be creative to make things work.  It wasn't always easy, but hey, you do what you've got to do.  I was still able to get some nice images, but now that I've had a nice camera for the past year, I've got to admit, contrary to the memes ... having a nice camera sure makes things a hell of a lot easier!!
When I got my nice new camera one of the first things I wanted to shoot was the octopus at the aquarium.  My old camera just didn't have the capability to take a decent shot in the dark tank.  My new camera makes it almost too easy.  I think the first 3 trips I took with my new camera Noel hid from me, but in recent trips he's been showing off for me.  I'm like the octopus paparazzi ... truly.   And I don't care.
There's something sort of odd about an octopus.  8 legs, a big water balloon head, suction cups all over, they change colors ... I think he's beautiful.  I don't know why.  I feel like he's a strange sort of beautiful, but I love it!
I wonder sometimes how much he can see from his tank.  Does he people watch the way we watch him?  He must see something, I would wave to him and he would make his way over to me.  Coincidence, perhaps, but I think he likes getting his picture taken.  Whatever the reason I never care why he swims by the glass or climbs over it... I'll catch it...

So handsome!  Technology does spoil me ... and I don't mind...  I look forward to our next encounter with the curious, sometimes elusive Noel...

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