Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What Happens In Vegas ... Day 2

Day 2 in Vegas started out with our first day of competition which was our level 4 Emmett. 
 He's a little ball of energy so it's always fun to watch him. I don't think he really understood how big this competition was but he tried so hard and did probably the best ring routine I've ever seen him do

After the level 4 meet was over a bunch of the elite athletes were there and the boys got a few autographs
Danell Leyva is my favorite guy on the national team right now and everytime I've met him or been around him, he's so nice and takes the time to sign anything you want or take pictures.  He's an amazing athlete and just so down to earth, he's definitely on my Olympic Dream Team this year!!
Since the Winter Cup was the following day the athletes had practice at the arena which we were able to watch a little bit of

John Orozco

Paul Ruggeri
With the meets for the day over we were off to see more of the city
We stopped in at Caesar's Palace and went through the Bellagio and saw one of the fountain shows

Friday night I met up with my aunt and uncle who happened to be out in Vegas
We jumped on some motorized scooters to get around town. First stop was the Venetian, a place I had wanted to see and we just hadn't had a chance to go yet

It was so beautiful there!! It made it more obvious to myself that I HAVE to go to Italy someday!!
There were gondolas giving people rides and the masks in some of the shops were just beautiful!!
The ceiling was painted to look like the sky and all the shops looked like the streets of Venice . . .
I'll get there someday . . .
We had a wonderful dinner at the Eiffel Tower that night, the food was delicious and you had an amazing view of the Bellagio fountains
 The elevator brought you right up to the kitchen, these guys never slowed down,
 it was hoppin' the whole time
 Desert had little Eiffel Towers on them :)
The view of the fountains
Me and Floyd - one of my absolute favorite people!!
It was a wonderful night, thanks again Floyd and Gloria for all the memories :)

More to come soon including the Level 5 meet, Winter Cup,
and our adventures at the Red Rock Canyon :)

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