Sunday, August 12, 2012

:: Nature ::

I'm going to try and do a little catching up this morning!! As per usual for me lately I've gotten a  little behind when it comes to posting pictures, but life just happens and I try to make thd most of things :) As it is I'm relaxing in a Starbucks in Providence RI, on the last day of the Region VI Gymnastics Congress, and lets face it, give me a few minutes and a caramel macchiato and it's amazing what I can accomplish!! So I'll use my few minutes and new found energy to start the catching up process . . .
I've been a little busy for a variety of reasons for quite a while now, but in between my projects for work, and family activities, and everything else I try to cram into a day, I have managed to get outside to enjoys the nice weather and take a few pictures.  So in another mass photo post here are some of the outside shots I've been taking recently . . .

Down at Mohegan Park

Out In The Morning Mist

At Buttonwoods

Those were the latest adventures!!
I'll keep you posted!!
Cheers :)

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