Thursday, November 10, 2016

Quintessential Fall

I realize I'm a little bias since I've lived my whole life in Connecticut, but in my opinion there's no better place to be then New England in the fall.  It's reds oranges and golds, it's comfy hoodies, it's crisp air, and everything pumpkin.  That's a New England fall in a nut shell.
I've been missing Vermont.  I looked forward to going up north to visit every year, and sadly didn't quite get to it this year.  So instead of going up for a weekend or day or two, I only got a couple hours, but I made the most of it and it helped me feel a little better.  You know how sometimes you get that urge to do something or go somewhere and it just nags at you until you do... Well this at least satisfied the urge.  I had tried to find something in Brattleboro to see or do, that way I was in Vermont but not too far.  I found a covered bridge, and not much says quintessential Vermont like a covered bridge (well, a slanted window does too), and shooting while there were still leaves changing ... Aside from a white steeple against the colored leaves, that's a pretty iconic picture.  To me anyway.
So we actually found 2 bridges that were pretty close to each other, 1 of which was supposed to be the longest covered bridge in Vermont.  Cool.  Sounded good to me.  Add to it, it was a beautiful day ... Doesn't get much better than that...
I think growing up watching my dad work and build things out of wood gave me this ... appreciation ... admiration ... fascination ... pick a word I guess, for things crafted with wood.  Architecture, old furniture, things hand made from timber, I love it.  A covered bridge is an amazing feat of engineering. They're all a little different, but they all share a certain kind of beauty and harmony.

The leaves are gone now and we all seem to be full speed ahead into fall and quickly rushing towards winter, but it's nice to capture it while it's here.  So make the most of an opportunity, take the picture, enjoy it.
Cheers :)

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