Sunday, July 8, 2012

Chicago Day 1

It seemed like not that long ago I started talking to Sue about accompanying her and Kev out to Illinois and the day had finally come!! We left yesterday, bright and early :) for he Windy City!!
We had a pretty easy flight out, and compared the last plane trip (the 6 hours straight to Las Vegas) this 2+ hour hop over to Chicago felt super quick
Since you can't tell where you are while you're in the air usually, we pulled out Sue's GPS to see if it would be able to tell us where we were, but we ended up just confusing it!!

Once on the ground we wasted no time getting to see the sights.
We checked into to hotel then made our way into the city to hunt down the Willis Tower to go out on The Ledge!! When I had returned home from my Vegas trip my dad had told me about these things and how he figured it would be a good handstand oportunity. So we were on a mission!! Being the weekend traffic wasn't too bad getting into the city, though we decided figuring out the train system may be more convenient in the future.
We found our way around the city pretty easily, and since we were looking for the tallest building there that helped too :)
The Skydeck was a busy place, but we got lucky and managed to basiclly jump the line.  You see before we had left Sue and I had been checking out fliers for different attractions and we found one for the City Pass, which is a booklet of tickets for a lot of the major attractions in the city (and really all the big ones I had wanted to see). The cool part about it was that it's about half the price of purchasing the tickets individually and there's a seperate line for people with these passes and we got to go to the front!! We felt very important :)
The elevator ride up to the top was the coolest elevator ride I've ever been on!!

It only took about a minute to go straight up 103 floors, and there was a monitor that, as you went up, told you what floor you were on, how high you were, and as you went it told you what monuments and buildings around the world you were taller then. It was neat, yet hard to fathom going taller then things like the pyramids and the Eiffel Tower.
Once at the top the view was amazing!!

At a few of the windows there were these boards with numbers and labels that told you what some of the buildings were, so we could look out and see some of the other places we were going to try to get to this week.
There was some history about the city as well covering the walls inside
And of course there were the cubes!!
These things were packed!! We had to wait a little while to get out there because there were about 3 lines of people to get out on each one (there are 4 total). Kev and I were a little worried we wouldn't be able to do our handstands because there were some many people and we didn't want to hit anyone, but thankfully everyone was really nice and gave us a little space (I think they just thought it was a little crazy, and they were probably being smart and figured it was safer for them to stand back :) ) We got a few shots and just before we left we discovered that in the far cube there was a professional set up for people to go out and they would take your picture from above.  The line wasn't that long so we tried that too and got much better shots!! Plus we got a cool of me and Kev upsidedown smiling at the camera (I'll be able to download it shortly and hopefully get it posted!!)
It was really cool!! I think one of my new favorite handstand shots, and no it really wasn't that scary to look down past my hands 103 stories to the ground
We checked out a different view of the ledge too.  Yup, we were up there!! Kev decided it was a good thing he didn't see this first^^ He figured he wouldn't have wanted to do it if he had seen it this way first :)
Today we take Kev down to the University of Illinois so he can start camp.  I've heard it's a pretty nice campus so that should be good to see, and from there . . . I'll keep you posted ;)

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