Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Chicago Day 3

Wow!! It's been a busy couple days!! Sorry this one's a little late, but I'll start getting everyone caught up :)  Day 3 was another venture into the city.  Originally the plan was to try the train, but after a little research we decided to try driving in instead.  We got lucky and didn't run into much traffic, and discovered the roadside park-and-pay things which have come in handy :)  Our stop for the day was the Museum of Science and Industry.

I had discovered a few weeks ago that the Mythbusters Explosive Exhibit was going to be there, but wasn't sure if we would have a chance to go.  Lucky for me the Museum was included in the City Pass thing that we bought, and not only did the City Pass give us our admission to the museum it also included the flight simulator and the omnimax theater where we saw the Tornado Alley movie.  There was so much to see and do, all kinds of hands on exhibits, demonstrations going on all day, and every kind of science and technology and it's history that you could think of.
So without further adu, our day at the Museum of Science and Industry:

 There were lots of props from the show
Lots of items from myths that I recognized

 There were lots of myths that you could test yourself
 Like this one where you build a house out of different matterials
(I built mine out of wood)
Then stick it in a wind tunnel and see if it gets blown over
 I lost half of mine :(
But that means half of it was still standing!! :)
 I tested a swing that was held up by telephone books
It worked!!
And tested out the cliff hanger thing
Did novice and was able to hold on for 52 seconds!!

There were so many other cool things to see!!
The huge train set up they had was really cool, and so detailed!!

Baby chicks were hatching in the genetics area
 I loved the outer space exhibit!!
 I've always wanted to be an astronaut . . .
. . . and here I could be!!

 There was a huge area about weather and energy

This gigantic pin ball / flipper contraption is one of the biggest in the world!!
The future room was neat
It talked about how things that were considered science fiction 20 or 30 years ago are beginning to become reality, and how all it takes is an idea to change the way we live

I think this is one of my coolest handstand pictures
This high-tech video screen gave it such a neat effect!!
After walking laps around the museum we finished off the day by taking a walk down by the water.  A lot of the big attrations are right on Lake Michigan, and there's a walk way that goes along almost the whole thing.  We just started walking, it was nice to kick off the flip flops and go barefoot in the sand.

It was so peaceful, if it wasn't for the city scape in the background you could completely forget you're in a city!!
We had a wonderful day!!
Adventures will be continued . . . in Day 4 :)

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