Monday, July 9, 2012

Chicago Day 2

Had a busy day today but I don't have many pictures to show for it :( Today we made the 2 hour drive out to the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana to drop Kev off for camp. During the drive I discovered that Illinois is much flatter then I was expecting.  For some reason I figured it would be a little hilly sort of like it is back home, but everything is completely flat with lots of corn fields.  We could see a lot of the fields flying in, it was sort of like a patchwork quilt, there would be these big square fields and a house in the corner, then another big square with a house on one side.  On the ground it was amazing how far you could see!! We could see big storm clouds off to one side and if you look the other way there were blue skies.  The storm did eventually catch up with us which is why I didn't walk around and take pictures at the campus which was pretty unbelieveable!! I went to Uconn so I'm used to a campus the size of a small city, but this was like a whole university city.  It was crazy!! It took us a little while to find our way around, it didn't help that the map we were using wasn't very accurate. We did get it figured out and Kev got started at camp, I'm sure he'll have a great time, got to talk to Olympian Justin Spring, who is the head coach and running the camp. We headed back and made a little stop at the Hinsdale Oasis, we needed gas for the car and Starbucks was also necissary!! The whole thing was neat, it was like a rest stop over the highway.
We relaxed for a little bit before making our way back to the hotel, but we didn't stay for long, we decided to make the 2+ mile hike down the road to go get dinner.  The walk was interesting.  I really want to know what the people who live in the Oak Brook / Westmont / Hinsdale area do for a living!! First off the houses look beautiful, second in the 2 miles we walked from the hotel to dinner we passed car lots for just about every high end car you can think of, Audi, Saab, BMW . . .
. . . yup Lamborghini too. It was nuts!!  We may not have gotten to do too much but it was still a nice day. Tomorrow is another trip into the city to see more sights!! Can't wait :)

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