Monday, July 16, 2012

Chicago Day 5

Sorry I've been so slow getting the last couple days from the trip posted, but I'm finally home and life should be "normal" for the next couple of days so I'll try to get everything up!!
DAY 5!!
Wednesday in Chicago brought us to the Field Museum and then Navy Pier
The museum was a beautiful building with all sorts of interesting exhibits.

There was a Genghis Khan exhibit, a whole section on Egypt and mummies and tombs, there was an underground thing where we were "shrunk" and got to go underground and see how bugs and plants live, there were even some Chinese shadow figures that I was excited to see!!  I studied this stuff in college so I always get excited to see it :)

The big exhibit was the dinosaurs!! Well the fossils anyway!! When I was a kid I thought it would be the coolest job to be a paleontologist and dig up dinosaur bones (I still think it would be fun). What was cool about this exhibit is that the have a T-Rex that is the most complete skeleton in the world!! Something like 95% of the original bones had been preserved. What was sort of funny about this T-Rex was that its name was Sue!! (I was traveling with Sue :) )

 (Even got to see the 3-D show all about it!!)
^^ Sue ^^
When we left the museum we headed over to the Navy Pier where we would complete the list of "things to do" that I had.
The giant Ferris where was a must!! I'm not usually a fan of them but this one I had to try!!

It's 15 stories tall and actually 100' shorter then the World's Fair wheel that it's modeled after!!
I know they said not to throw anything off, but I figured bubbles would be ok ;)
The view was pretty amazing!!
We had dinner at Margaritaville (had to add the Chicago glass to the collection!!),
then did some walking around.  We found a little mall area and did some shopping. On the second story of the little mall I caught sight of some palm trees and had to check it out.  Turns out there was a very nice garden up there!!

We came across a stained glass window museum, which I had read about when I was checking out things to do on the Pier. The glass was very beautiful
There was a live band playing at the beer garden outside called 7th Heaven, they did a lot of covers of popular pop songs and a few of their own songs, they were really good so we listened for a while.
After that we got to watch the sun set over the city and the city lights turn on while we waited for the Wednesday night fireworks show


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