Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Made it down to the Mystic Seaport this weekend to check out their wooden boat show.  There were all kinds of boats, big and small, vendors, demonstrations going on, and of course the village and all the tall ships that are usually around the seaport.  There was a lot to see!!
My favorite part is probably the Charles W. Morgan.  It's, I believe, the oldest whaling ship in the area, and it is currently undergoing a complete renovation.
It's encased in plastic and from the outside it doesn't really look like a ship.
I think it's interesting to stand next to the bottom of the boat which is usually submerged.
Some of the boards have been striped away already and replaced, 
while other areas are still the 170 year old wood
Some of the new boards looked huge!!  I know in pictures sometimes it's hard to get an accurate scale without some sort of reference so the above picture is my hand resting across a new board on the hull of the Morgan . . . it's about 3" thick!!
The inside of the boat was also torn apart and under construction, though some parts, like the captain's quarter and the galley areas I can remember seeing when I was growing up on school field trips.
It's not very big in there!! At 5'4" I had to duck so I wouldn't hit my head on the beams!!
It should look just like new once they get it done, and they're hoping to be able to take it out and sail it in 2014.
There was plenty to see and lots going on throughout the rest of the seaport
I love tools :)

Like I said the wooden boat show was going on.
I've never really done much sailing, don't get to go out on boats very often, but I have to say I do enjoy the nautical scene.  Something about the brass, and the varnished wood, and the beautiful craftsmanship when it comes to these kinds of boats . . . I love it!!

Enjoyed a beautiful day down by the water!!
Til next time!!
Cheers :)

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